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Pet Anti-Shedding Gloves

A grooming session + massage session in one
Alleviate your dog or cat’s fear about hair brushing with a much gentler (and relaxing) solution. Our Pet Anti-Shedding Gloves are a softer approach to hair-brushing, with no intimidating metal brush bristles or handles in sight.
Just slip on
and brush away
With just the gentle back-and-forth motions of your hands, the gentle silicone tips on your palms will help loosen and capture unruly hairs while smoothing your pet’s body, head, and legs for a polished look — all without the pain and tangles associated with a traditional brush.
Comfort and wellness
in one
Aside from smoothing hair, the silicone tips of our gloves provide a gentle massage for your pet. Rub all over for a sensational body massage (hey, pets love massages too) that can boost blood circulation and endorphin release. Less stress…and less loose hairs all over the house. It’s a win-win.
Adjustable and
easy to clean
Each glove is designed with an adjustable velcro wrist strap for a snug fit for any wearer. Plus, mesh lining throughout is breathable and easy to wash and dry. Do not machine wash.
*With on purchase you get 2 Pet Anti-Shedding Gloves.


  1. H***y

    When purchasing this, I really loved the idea that my dog will have no loose fur and will stop shedding . . . what I didn’t anticipate was that my dog will not like the bristles . . . she loves pets and attention, but not with that glove. This isn’t the glove’s fault, my dog just likes regular pets with a bare hard. Other than that, the few pets I was able to get in with the glove on, it worked well. And it works surprisingly well for the cats!

  2. S***d

    I have several cats, well over the number needed to qualify as a crazy cat lady. Pet hair is a issue even when owning just one pet. Grooming with a brush has never been successful, even when trying several different kinds. After a few minutes of brushing the cat would become antsy and start biting at the brush. I used the glove for the first time this morning on my long haired kitty. WOW!!!! Tons of kitty hair and she loved the attention. She purred loudly the entire time and turned frequently so that I could “pet” her opposite side. Observing this, the other kitties lined up wanting to be petted too. Grooming time is now an enjoyable experience for all.

  3. A***a

    Easy enough to clean, although hard to get completely clean without washing. Depending on your animal and it’s type of hair you might need something a little finer combing teeth, but this would be where to start. (They should make these gloves for people also … especially children. Hmmm. … I’m not seeing anything that says “pets only”)

  4. N***a

    It’s as easy to use as petting your animal and as long as they enjoy that it should work well.

    It’s a good thing they sell them as single gloves because unless you had to brush two animals simultaneously to save time because you were late for a trump rally or some other blasphemer’s church of sociopathy, I can’t see why you would need two.

  5. I***a

    This is the next best thing for my cat short setting up appointments for a Lion Cut from the groomer.
    Seeing that I’m already expected to pet Kevin the Kat as if I’m giving him a firm massage, I thought that I might as well try to collect all of this undercoat her sheds this time of year.

  6. V***e

    My beauty is a Siamese pointed Rag Doll cat. She has super silky soft medium length hair. I used wipes weekly, but being new to cats, I just never considered brushing them. In retrospect it’s like duh! I purchased this when a friend mentioned brushing her cat so that they don’t choke on hairballs and to help with allergens…well, whoa am I ever glad I found this. There are many similar brands out there, but I chose this one and I’m thrilled with it. It was cheap and it came highly rated.

    It also arrived super fast. I spray the palm side of it with a coat refresher, more to just get it wet, but the slight fragrance is nice too. From there I brush her firmly, all about her body, belly, hinds, tail, and the top of her head. I probably only stroke her 10-15x total. After that, the mitt is covered in hair, I mist it again and peel off the hair in 1 big damp clump. I will say stray hairs can go floating, and occasionally little puffs will scatter..but I’m thinking that would happen with any brushing, and it’s in fact pretty limited, with the dampening of it. I do it maybe once a week and there doesn’t seem to ever be less hair! Perhaps that means I should be doing it more. I shall.

  7. A***v

    Fantastic dog grooming aid! Our older rescue dog isn’t too keen on the routine dog brushing stuff but her thick coat really needs the grooming – this dog grooming glove is the exactly right answer. Put the glove on, pet the dog, and all that loose hair comes away leaving her coat feeling so much smoother and softer without causing her to be nervous or upset over a brushing. Highly recommend, and yes I’m going to be ordering as gifts for a couple of other dog owners I know!

  8. K***k

    Was initially skeptical but i liked the price.Not sure how well it would work on larger animals simply because of size of bristles.

  9. M***r

    Our kitten was very resistant to being brushed. He would bite the brush as if you were playing, and it was impossible to get in a good brushing session. The glove works great, he even purrs when we use it! Grabs a lot of fur and is easy to remove the fur from the glove and throw away. Highly recommend for brush-hating kitties!

  10. K***o

    I love it, the cat loves it. Admittedly at first Stevie was having NONE of it. She ran away and I had to basically trick her with treats to get her to let me use it on her. Now all I have to do say wanna get brushed, wave the glove and coax her up on the table. She’s ready 9 times out if 10, because well, that’s cats. She purrs the whole time and will lay on each side so I get them both. She struggles with furballs badly and I feel like this helps bc it’s unreal how much fur it pulls off her. Also it’s good for removing fur on fabric surfaces. Just have the vacuum hose ready to suck up what it scrapes off.

  11. I***y

    This glove is perfect for our one kitty who hates to be brushed. Our family recently added kitty number three, a big beautiful long haired Maine Coon who despises being brushed or bathed. It was such a struggle as fine cat hair started taking over our life. Honestly, I did not think this grooming glove would work, but let me just say it is wonderful. Our kitty Nicki just loves the feeling it gives him, and we love the astounding amount of kitty his hair that is now in the glove and not on every surface in our home. Thank you wonderful seller. We LOVE this glove.

  12. D***a

    Incredible product. I’m brushing my cat every day sometimes twice a day! My cat sheds like crazy!!! I’m going to buy another so that I can keep it just in case. My cat was vomiting hair all the time. She hasn’t vomited since I began using this glove!!! Well worth the money. Truly happy with my purchase!! Thanks!!

  13. E***o

    AMAZING. I love this mit. It’s a bit big for my hand but the velcro wrist strap keeps the mit secure. I highly recommend this product to anyone with cats. It’s easy to use, easy to clean, and the cats love it

  14. L***l

    I have a long haired Maine coon cat and he absolutely LOVES this! Literally begs for it as you can see in my video! And I’m getting waaaayyyy more hair off than the standard brushes ever could!

  15. A***r

    My cat doesn’t like to be brushed and this mit doesn’t help with that, but it does make it easier to get a few paases in before she claws her way off my lap. You would think that some mild brushing would feel good, but who can figure with cats? I read the reviews for this glove beforehand and now that I’ve actually used it, they seem whiney to me. “It’s hard to get the hair off the glove.” Yeah… that’s what makes the thing work. Sheesh. “The glove ripped when I put it on.” How hard did you yank on it? Are you a former Mr. Universe? “The glove didn’t fit.” Either your hands are like sausages or you’re a giant, because the glove is large (my hands aren’t small) and, having lived with your hands all your life (presumably) you would know beforehand whether this was a recurring problem that you had.
    Over the course of a couple weeks, I hope to put a real dent in my cat’s excess hair problem.

  16. T***a

    My pets have very fine hair. One of the problems with this is that their hair quickly gets everywhere – like the sands of Tatooine. At first only the dog liked it, because his sole purpose in life is to bring me pleasure. So, even if it feels like a cheese grater, he’s going to smile and wag his tail because it pleases me. Then my cat, came over and wanted to know what all the tail wagging and smiling was about. He plopped down between us and begged for me to use the glove on him. So I did. I’m pretty sure my cat is into some BDSM, because the harder I rubbed him the more ecstasy appeared on his face. Soon I had a glove full of gray hair that I wadded up and made into a Trump toupee for him. Then my rabbit got into the fray.

    Yes, I said I own a rabbit. It’s normal. The rabbit, too, has very fine hair. She got between the tail-wagging dog, and the perverted cat so that I could use the glove on her. She did not make ecstasy faces or wag her tail (I’m not sure if rabbits can wag their tail). But she seemed pleased with the results. I say pleased because she remained glued to the spot while I rubbed her with the glove. It could also be that she was simply terrified and frozen with fear, but I prefer to think that she was enjoying the free glove massage. At the end of the evening I had three large piles of fur and three happy pets. I want to use this glove on other things, like strange dogs and homeless people; but I may wait to do that late at night when no one is around.

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